Wednesday, March 5, 2008

06. Websites

- New Technology -

Client: GUINNESS® View video

Title: IM Pool

The idea was to strengthen the relationship between GUINNESS® as a brand, and the game of pool for the targeted young male consumer segment. The pool game on Windows Live Messenger allowed people to invite their friends to play a game of pool in a chat window. The game was highly successful with online media attention and fans.

  • Bronze, DMAM Awards 2007
  • Bronze, Kancil Awards 2007

Client: GUINNESS® View site

Title: GUINNESS® City

It opened up the world of Guinness to a whole new audience. The use of new technology made the site come alive ... yet still catered to the country’s low bandwidth. Content rich and constantly updated, visitors were immersed in the brand through the city’s well planned sections. Every point had an MGM element: online contests, games and on-ground event registrations constantly encouraged visitors to get their friends to the site. Beyond the city, emails and sms blasts kept them engaged with the city.Fully developed locally, Guinness City was a place they could call their own.

  • Silver, DMAsia Awards 2006
  • Bronze, DMAM Awards 2006

- Innovative Executions -

Client: Levi's Strauss View site

Title: Half Lives

The idea was launched from the Guinness 9 Ball Tour, to strengthen the relationship between the Guinness brand, and the game of pool for the targeted young male consumer segment. The pool game on Windows Live Messenger allowed anyone with MSN to invite other friends to play a game of pool with one another, in a chat window. The game was highly successful with online media attention and fans.

  • Silver, DMAM Awards 2007
  • Silver, Kancil Awards 2007

Client: Heineken

Title: Hold On To The Cold

- Promotional Websites -

Client: Levi's Strauss View site

Title: Square Or Nothing

The objective was to change the perception of the consumers that jeans were no longer cool. Therefore, the idea was about playing up the so-called, “Square” aspect of the jeans. Due to the quirky, fun, light, and playful execution, the site was able to generate substantial sales.

  • Bronze, Asian Interactive Awards 2006
  • Bronze, DMAM Awards 2006
  • Bronze, Kancil Awards 2006

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